What would happen if Hitler won World War II?


  • Who was Hitler and what was his importance in World War II?

       In World War I, Hitler enlisted in the military as a soldier. He was a captivating speaker who drew huge crowds. Hitler was proponent of propaganda, which was understandable considering the fact the first two years of the war was more successful than he ever could have imagined. He realized the best way to organize a mob was to provide them with a victim, someone they could hold responsible for the pain, and he discovered one in the Jews. The Germans have taken over large parts of Russia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland and Balkan. The British held out against them for a bit, but ultimately lost due to German's U-boats taking down British's ships which were transporting weapons and supplies. On September 1, 1939, he started World War II in Europe by annexing Poland. He participated actively in military actions throughout the war and played a significant role in the holocaust, which saw the mass genocide of millions of people, including 6 million Jews.

  • What would happen if Hitler won World War II?    

       Then, what would have happened? The historian Gerhard L. Weinberg (author of the monumental A World at Arms, widely regarded as the best study of World War II ever written) followed a trail of intriguing hints left by the major heads of state about the postwar world each imagined in a slim but fascinating book titled Visions of Victory. Franklin D. Roosevelt's vision came the closest to describing the world system that really emerged after 1945. Unsurprisingly, Hitler's vision was the most terrifying. He believed that if World War II had been won, there would have been World War III, then World War IV, and so on, until Germany had ruled the entire planet. The world would have witnessed the extinction of specific racial groups, religious beliefs, and skin tones, and the Holocaust would have been even worse. Free speech, elections, and self-determination would all be banned, and all nations ruled by the Nazis would start to be heavily "Germanized." Within a decade, German would be the official language, along with the German culture, the Reichsmark as the official money, and the Swastika as the national flag. Life would be easy if you were an Aryan, provided you repeated Nazi talking points and pledged complete allegiance to Hitler. All Reich citizens would receive free healthcare and education, and the German economy would probably experience the same kind of explosive expansion that Britain saw when creating the British Empire, making life for the obedient Nazi extremely comfortable. Life would be in various degrees awful and maybe very brief if you didn't fit the Aryan model or received Honorary Aryan Status.

  • Would a German triumph have had any "good" effects?

     Hitler lavished funds on German scientific endeavors. Thus, in several fields of research, particularly chemistry and physics, Germany was roughly 20 years ahead of the next country. This led to significant advances in mechanics, aeronautics, and rocketry. The first moon landing in 1969 would have likely occurred at least 20 years earlier if Germany had won World War 2. Additionally, there would have been more advances in automotive and aviation technology. As the entire world would either be ruled by the Swastika or the Rising Sun, both flags being aligned to one another, one could also claim that there would be less, or even no, international conflicts. Once more, the occurrence of peace seems unlikely. It's improbable that any resistance effort would be successful in the face of Nazi persecution without the backing of an outside nation. The majority of resistance groups in occupied territory were infiltrated by the Nazis, who were highly skilled intelligence operatives, during World War 2. Given that those who were born during the Nazi era had no other experience, it is possible that most resistance movements would have been wiped out, dissolved, or forgotten within two generations.

  •  Conclusion if Germany had won World War II:

      Godspeed for their defeat. I'd like to thank everyone who battled against them. We would not be in this situation right now if it weren't for those who sacrificed their blood, sweat, and tears for the good cause. 


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